MASTERVERSE New Eternia Beast Man

Yay! New MASTERVERSE figures on sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I picked up New Eternia Beast Man and New Eternia Trap Jaw. You can see a video of the SpartanNerd showing off the packaging and waxing poetic below!


(Anyone catch the huge mistake I made?)

So there you have it! This is one of the final figures in the boring package that I have complained about. Maybe they were reading the blog?

Here’s what you get. Beast Man, who this time sports a headdress and furry armor (real soft goods!), a giant spiked club, traditional Beast Man armor. Two fist hands, and the whip.

I paid under $20 for this, but I feel that all of the value is there. I passed on the Revelation Beast Man, finding it too humble and untrue to the original. But this deluxe figure feels like a sequel in the same way that Mortal Kombat II outdid Mortal Kombat. The whole of Beast Man is here, and you also get more bonus play for your money! If I were a sealed collector, I probably would pass on this one though. He would need to be dressed traditionally without the headpiece on.

I mean, the loin cloth looks kind of oriental, but other than that this vintage style is wonderful. I also like the loin cloth here, but if a collector wants a modern representation of the original, they won’t be happy with that.

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention. He’s Huge! He feels like a real chunk of plastic. With the fur on, he appears even more broad chested than 40 anniversary He-Man! Question, Hub City Geeks…Is that bat too big?

And now you know. Savage He-Man cant be properly strapped down for a beating!

The armor and the headpiece fit best on 40 anniversary He-Man, with that huge chest and all. I tried it on Savage He-Man, but he is just too skinny. The headpiece really can go on anyone.

I mean, what’s this story right here? It is fun to mix and match! (MASTERVERSE Two Bad, New Eternia Beast Man, MOTUC Despara body, modified Battleground Teela head, MOTUC Sir Lazer Lot mace, MASTERVERSE Movie Skeletor Cosmic Key, and New Eternia Beast Man helmet). So what animal is the headdress? At first I thought it might be whatever Battle Cat’s armor is. But that’s not it.

They are presenting this Beast Man as kind of a potential outlier from Skeletor. I really liked the MASTERVERSE comic where Battleground Teela saves Beast Man as he too is a shaman, and can interpret prophecies about He-Man. (Now that I think about it, I have a representation of all the characters except for the unicorn!)

But he just belongs here!

My rating of this fantastic figure is a solid 5/5. MASTERVERSE New Eternia Beast Man kills it like Mortal Kombat II. You get the classic look as an option. You get the New Eternia look as an option, (which is a real treat). You get a spiked bat and substantial whip. A headdress. The figure feels like a chunk. You really have something! I spent less than $20. Any gripe I have with the packaging is being addressed. (They are moving away from the GI JOE Classified style to the more Transformers style.). So 5/5. Do you agree or disagree, Hub City Geeks? Let me know in the comments. (Too bad no one ever does…)