SpartanNerd and SpartanTeen Review…Knight Gundam (SD)


The second SD Gundam model review ever.  The Knight Gundam.  Does the SpartanNerd think this is worth picking up?  Keep reading!

The Knight Gundam is another of those Gundams that I have zero association with.  I never heard of it.  SpartanTeen saw it on “Gundam Build Fighters”, at least I gather.  The price was $13.99.


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The instructions were in Japanese.  But the Knight Gunam came with a Manga.  No idea what is going on here.  It is a cute little comic strip, though.


Here is the model assembled.  Highly detailed!  I like the color scheme…mostly gray with blue and red details.  A splash of yellow for the cross on the shield and the headpiece.  It has that oversized head of course.  Tis time there is a barrel inside that allows you to give him two different looks for the eyes.

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This Gundam has an AMAZING amount of accessories.  I removed them all so you can see just how incredible it really is.

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Without the accessories, he feels like a knight without armor should feel.  I applaud the detail that went into this.

But this isn’t all!



That’s right…Knight Gundam transforms into a Centaur!



I can’t say enough good things about this toy!  Wow!

The SpartanTeen had a few things to say about it:

“The mask part is shiny.  The rest of it is not, and it should be.”

“The sword is hidden in the shield.”

“Knight Gundam and Unicorn Knight Gundam combine, to for a unicorn.  Alone, he is a Centaur”

“This Gundam has relatively few problems compared to other models in this series.”

“It was nothing hard…it took me about ten minutes to build.”

Here is a comparison shot with the Build Burning Gundam SD.


So what does the SpartanNerd rate Knight Gundam (SD)?

I can’t say anything negative about it.  The SpartanTeen is a little bothered that the mask is vac-metal while the rest of the armor isn’t.  I think it makes the mask pop, though.  Then he informed me that it isn’t just a transformer, but a Combiner as well.

This thing gets a 5/5.  Only $13.99 for basically hours of entertainment.  The amount of things to do here reminds me of playing with “Modulok” from Masters of the Universe Classics.  It is fairly sturdy, and has no stupid problems.

The SpartanNerd rates Knight Gundam (SD) a solid 5/5.  Do you agree or disagree, oh Hub City Geeks?  Let me know in the comments!